To make a donation to support our neurodegeneration research (which will allow much more rapid progress), please click on the Departmental site below:
Departmental donation site
and specify “for Lindberg Lab research”.
All contributions will be gratefully acknowledged as soon as they are received, as well as in any resulting publications.
Mailing Address:
Attention: Dr. Iris Lindberg University of Maryland School of Medicine Anatomy and Neurobiology Building HSF II Room S267 20 Penn St. Baltimore, MD 21201Laboratory Address at UMB:
Building HSF II, Room S218 20 Penn St. Baltimore, MD 21201this is at the corner of Lombard and Penn St.
Office: 410-706-4778 Lab Phone: 410-706-4787 Fax: 410-706-2512 Please direct email to ilindberg at som dot umaryland dot edu