7B2 chaperone knockout in APP model mice results in reduced plaque burden. Jarvela TS, Womack T, Georgiou P, Gould TD, Eriksen JL, Lindberg I. Sci Rep. 2018 Jun 28;8(1):9813. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-28031-7. PMID: 29955078 This paper shows that the loss of 7B2, like that of clusterin, has a paradoxical protective effect on brain amyloid deposition.
Author Archives: Iris
See our new paper on a rare variant of the proprotein PC2- which has unusually few SNPs- present as a founder mutation in an Amish population. Functional analysis of PCSK2 coding variants: A founder effect in the Old Order Amish population. Winters A, Ramos-Molina B, Jarvela TS, Yerges-Armstrong L, Pollin TI, Lindberg I. Diabetes Res […]
We have recently published two papers on chaperone action in neurodegeneration: 1. Lindberg, I., J. Shorter, R.L. Wiseman, F. Chiti, C.A. Dickey, and P.J. McLean (2015) Chaperones in neurodegeneration. J. Neurosci., 35:13853-9. PMID: 26468185 and the just-accepted manuscript 2. Jarvela, T., Lam, H.A, Helwig, M., Lorenzen, N., Otzen, D.E., McLean, P.J., Maidment, N.T. and Lindberg, […]
New papers show that both proteins are phosphorylated by FAM20C, but one is phosphorylated only on serines, while 7B2 is mostly phosphorylated on threonines. Phosphorylation serve an important role in the life of each protein.
Our paper showing that 7B2 is a chaperone protein which blocks the aggregation of neuronal proteins in neurodegeneration s is now out. Read about it here.
Hoshino A., and Lindberg, I. (2012) The biochemistry and cell biology of prohormone convertases 1/3 and 2. in Neuropeptide Biosynthesis (E-Book) (L. Devi and L.D. Fricker, Eds). Morgan and Claypool Life Sciences Publishers.